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Apr 2016
Live or Die, there is no in between.  

Contemplate and hold in disgust the doings of everyday experiences, tis a chore, not a celebrated ritual.  

Often times, my ears are spoiled by the noise of whimpers of weakness, those who speak much about nothing squirm to find comfort in their own skin, critics of lived experiences, less than divine judgment givers, soul crushers, spirit thieves, those ******* body despisers.  

The pursuit of happiness is only an exercise in futility, with exception of accepting, just be.  

Those unsatisfied the with the sacredness of breath, those that dwell in the abyss and wonder about the unquenchable thirst of an alcoholic palate, or yearn to taste uami from digesting chemistry sets, such ugliness that is exudes from an attitude so pristine.  

I dare to die each day in that way I would know what it is like to live.  Today, I sped past by the flock of sheep, going only 110 miles per hour
Lyle Kirby Barber
Written by
Lyle Kirby Barber  Farmington
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