something is happening. i've been here before. something is coming. i've seen it before. i've done it again, but too afraid to say it aloud. so i write it here. where i see no faces of readers. it doesn't matter. so here i go...
what the **** is going on? why are you back... i'm drowning in my tears that don't come out. instead they stay in. i'm drowning. when i'm awake. when i'm asleep. drowning from the floods. drowning from the constant static noise in my head. drowning from the fears...
yes, fear. that is what you are. why are you back? what the **** do you want. my soul has been a slave to you for years. i moved. i changed. i got better. but now you're back... and i've done it again. and again... and again...
so here i am. "so beautiful," " so smart..." but drowning on the inside. while i'm awake. while i'm asleep. Dominating, draining, depleting… me. And I’m scared.