Laughing at his broken glasses, tattered clothes they pelt him with gum and chewed up pieces of paper name-calling; "Hey stupid! Stinky! Queer-boy!" such does he retreat to the world inside his mind
it's utopia there, a place where he need not worry he can draw out his own history, control time, create sprawling vast cities that the caustic breath of reality cannot touch
school the bane of his existence, a ****** minefield the army of bullies seems infinite but for each juvenile his imagination ignites creates another heroic warrior to stave away the pain
[always one to be misunderstood creative confusion running through his blood]
parents exchanging concerned looks as he spends night after night immersed in books absorbing the creativity, the literate equivalent of gold he took his heart to passion's feet whereupon he sold
never one to rely on such a farce as hope breathing even with depression grasped 'round his throat 20 years old, once again escaping to that distant faraway land standing bare foot under a thousand suns and crimson sand
he sits where I sit now confused, life as complex and transparent as always but with eyes grateful, fully open able to see the beauty that lies within life's darkest obscenities