she used to not understand people who would put on a mask and pretend to be happy at school but now she does understand because she does it herself now she always acts so happy at her new school but if you were to look at her as soon as she got away from her friend or when she gets on the bus she kind of just lets go and doesn't care she doesn't have to pretend with her new friend but she feels better pretending rather than explaining that she just doesn't really feel happy anymore and as soon as she gets alone she is left with her thoughts and her sadness and if you were to look at her and i mean really look you might just might be able to see the tears she is holding back but when she is with her bestfriend who she doesn't know where she would be in life without her who is part of her family and she loves her so much and she loves her back even after she ***** up sometimes and when she is with her boyfriend who she loves and who is part of her "family" she doesn't have to pretend with them because she just feels safe with them and seeing them or talking to them it... it just automatically puts a smile on her face that is an one hundred percent real smile and she doesn't have a mask on with them because they don't have one on with her because they trust her and she trusts them with her life but once they aren't near her she puts back on her mask and has to fake her smile