If the sounds of gun play are foreign noise to you And the words cease and desist don't make any sense to you And if handcuffs weren't the first metallic cuffs you ever so on your father's wrists then step away from the sound of my voice This might mess you up.
I have walked into these streets in the light of day and I have crawled back into them during nights when the darkness was so thick you felt it caress your skin Yet these concrete jungles have fed me with the green of the earth Tell me, aren't I blessed?
And they could write a million stories about the few of us who made it out of here But I don't want to gain the world and lose my soul. I stand true to the struggle Power to the people
These streets have taught me not to sweat with my palms nor to feel with my heart These streets have taught me that emotion is liability and that laughter is a sign of weakness for you who can't stifle pain These streets have taught me that the only way to react to a man's smile was by the clench of my fist
So shame on you for trying to assimilate me Tell me can an alarm clock wake you up better than a gun shot There's a certain therapy that comes from pulling the trigger That cannot be matched from puffing no dope That right there That's the real adrenaline **** a gun and you'll know
And in the fullness of my element I urge you to cease and desist in your quest to try and change me These streets are everywhere so no you won't break me Chain me Cuff me I have been in systems better than your prison cells they call it night time where I'm from