Oh, love is the key to the soul of man. For love is the beginning and end of your being, and where love is not there is not life. And you are the very life, and the very soul of me. Oh, you are the very flower and source of creation. And within you I have my being and all the life that flows within me has its beginning in you. Oh, the stars that shine down from God's warm black velvet sky speak to me of your name and reminds me of all the love that I hold for you and my heart is filled to such overflowing that I feel that it shall burst all asunder and fill me with such longing that I cannot bear. And the Sun and moon that rise over Earth's distant horizon, oh how that rise and seem to shine the light of your love into my withered soul. And I am changed from the hopeless creature that I once was. And I sing my love song to you as I call to you to come and be my only love. My love forever in your warm embrace for time all immortal and as long as my heart and my being shall last.