It was magical. The starry night, under the trees. The romance, completely willing. Each person covering in the I love you's of tomorrow and for the rest of eternity
Or at least thats how it was perceived by their story Everyone knew what they didn't want them to...they're romantic night was a joke.
Stumbled drunkness, followed by lustful "I love you's" and bad decision making
It was all an accident and it was the beginning of me.
Panicked months followed. Fake happiness. Attempts to destroy and forget the mistake.
New years. They made a vow...a resolution to finally be okay. And for a while, they even tricked themselves to think that.
It was great...for about a year then he left she left a few years later. World War 3 was at a stand still...but only for a while.
It didn't take much to rekindle the fire. As they always remember your first drunken love. To love forever with them until the day the universe forces you two to part.
(PSH! Yeah...thats not what they say)
There was crossfire immediately
Flames thrown further than light can travel and the only person being burned...was me.
I wasn't raised by them. I couldn't ever possibly be that angry. I have loving grandparents that show nothing but affection and support.
BUT GENETICALLY...I was *******. My outside environment only frustrated my inside environment.
It was like the Wiggles vs. Hannibal Lector.
Surprisingly the end didn't turn out as violently as many imagined. I was always trying to be "saved" but I never understood what from? The worse that had come out of the entire situation was I am now.
Granted...I have communication issues I'm a bit too sarcastic and the only was I can say what I really feel is through pen and paper. Sticky notes cover every corner of my room, screaming every obscenity that has ever crossed my mind AND YET.... I think I'm okay.
I'm successful in most aspects of my life. And it had everything to do with my beginning.
I've heard "I'm sorry" ever since my grandparents came to back to school night in kindergarten. What for?! How many people do you know that can walk through a valley of fire unscathed?
Honestly, don't be sorry...because after what I've accomplished the lustful drunken night vs. the romance means nothing.
And who could have been under a tree on a starry night.