The serpents I once feared, have become, very, near & dear- to me. In fact, now, upon the vaneer- of my flesh- are their portraits portrayed- in ink. I am slithering with the best- of them, with my silver tongue flicking. I begin dissecting, or picking, like a crow disembodying his morning meal of rancid road ****, away at each and every thought within. I begin, to attempt to make such- dark noises sound like a blissful sing- ing.
Surely- it isn't so! These feelings that come, and go, as I stumble, stagger, to and fro from the nest where my head rest and my place of labor: a place where- I attempt to be a saviour for- my future seed: from poverty. If only I were to win the lottery.
Things are often quite the blur. Though, some days- every blue moon- I become so fluent with my words. Though I feel, as though, I've bypassed some important detail. Tomorrow, I may be slow as a snail- or as dense as a stone on the river bank. So, I would like to apologize, pretense- if I fail to stimulate your soul. To all of you listening, Thanks.