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Dec 2011
Oh, that we were in a simpler day,
When I could kidnap you and play.
Without regard to who might see,
Us back together like it should be.
I'd swoop you up quick in a flash,
When you walk outside to take out the trash
A secret shared between just us two,
Back in my favorite place called you.
Together we'd travel to the sea,
With crashing waves you'd dance with me.
Out on the pier while our song play's,
Just you and I and all else fades,
Gazing deeply in your eyes where I found a soul without disguise,
Gazing back in my eyes too, you find my soul un-disguised for you.
We both smile, because we both know that this is not a dance for show,
Not people, not worry, not tomorrow, just then,
A moment captured that won't come again.
And even if we had the chance, the desire, and the will,
Nothing could not every recreate that dace,
Or the moment's full of passion after,
The "Biscuit's", and "Gravy",
The "O" and "Ham"
The bedroom full of our playful laughter.
Like that night you walked through Frick's door
I saw you and I needed more
October twenty eight,
Nineteen ninety four,
Exactly seven minutes past ten,
Was the very moment our story begins.
Our eyes met from across the yard,
It was over we both fell hard.
Those days are gone and long since passed,
Life moves us on and does it fast
In those moments the smallest parts of me reside
Forever treasured kept deep inside,
Cherished forever are the precious memories,
Of the time you ran away to the sea.
Of the night we broke all the rules,
And did not care because we were fools.
Not stupid, or dumb just reckless and fun,
Like this poem has become.
From me to you, to make you smile,
Because I have not thought about you for a while.
But trust in this a million lifetimes could pass,
But my memories of you "O" will forever last...
This is one of those days when all my thoughts are poetry. My HS girlfriend wished me happy birthday last week, and it just came out, all in good fun, oh did i mention my current girlfriend broke up with me the day before my birthday, so maybe emotions were running a little
Gracia Inc
Written by
Gracia Inc
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