when i cordoned you off with Gorilla Tape and lilac vine once i was done attaching encrypted files of pearls upon that sultry salt of your inner-thighs once i’d borrowed bonds off my favorite banker’s portfolio so i could waste myself in their earned interest ratios of blood bourne by centuries of hapless gathering oppression so i could use them in mosaics of swollen sand that i could lay like sea-glass shards under your ebbing feet as useless parchments i swallowed you in all your swollen spasms of fragile oblivion until that bottom of this tongue lept amidst surfacing juices obliterating and obligating all that ever decayed amidst obelisks your whispers (hatched from your breathy endorphins) shook me into mine own desperate shudders astride our gathering humidity and i gathered in your needle-nosed plier eyes -rust encrusted grey incisors- wrought from melted andirons mixed with slug trodden soils of hinterlands i was never to penetrate as if i ever slammed you with yore spinning flails into night’s emerging chasm of charcoal sprinkled with inner-orange peels and their attempts toward all that is illuminating, wistful, brief, and precious—
i am your son, i am birthed from your sal i vations. i am twisting, still, amidst these rudiments of brine...