today I have struggled with the tenements of conservatism the basic idea of the sanctity of life anti-abortion terrorists picketing in front of wellness centers screaming that the unborn fetuses need love, protection, and a chance a chance to starve in hopeless abject poverty as these same pro-lifers desire to end social programs funded by tax dollars and the big mean scary federal government these impoverished babies forced to be born will only cry with hungry bellies as the neo-cons laugh all the way to the deregulated banks…. another life held sacred, the Middle-Eastern Muslim not the 19 Al Qaeda individuals who actually crashed into two buildings killing around 3000 citizens, no, those living and working in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or Syria those brown skinned lives of sanctity near a million lost souls in 15 years that you supported drone the bombing of innocent children and women washing clothes blown to bits by the sanctity of the Republican Party… life, human life, is no more important to a fair and just creator than a flower or a tree as all creation is sacred it must be…. or none is – I stand in awe of the hypocrisy ****** muscles contort draw and release smiles hide frowns drowning in fearful tears as I consider the next 20 years of American life –