in the corner she put her hand on my face. and stared at me for the longest time before she put the other one too. i wasn't sure where this was going she had cupped my face and pushed it up a little
before she took a deep breath and said you are a baby right now i told her i was thirteen but she said it doesn't matter growing up is painful the future is painful the past is painful the world suffers every day from a thousand afflictions, baby.
i said don't call me that i'm not. she said you don't know anything i said i do. i know this.
she said the world suffers every day every week every hour even things we can't bear to think, the world endures persistently. the world overcomes.
she said you need to wait this out. it gets worse and then it gets better i said how long she said it doesn't matter
you're going to grow up and it's going to hurt and there's not a thing you can do about it.
i told her to watch me she said she will. from a strait jacket.
and that's when she told.
i hated how all her advice was useless in this way and how she always ******* me over in the end anyhow
we were journalling. i kept thinking instead how much i'd rather paint the sky outside which was blue that day. but it was May and a blue sky in May isn't special enough to say can i please be excused from an activity to paint. once our teacher let us skip the writing to paint a rainbow shining outside our classroom window after a storm in September.
but i wanted to paint this blue sky. the one from that day. i wanted to paint instead of journal. it just kills me knowing there'll never be a pretty day in May that I'll be able to hold onto before it goes away and i somehow knew i wouldn't be allowed to remember that blue sky in any significant way.
and i was right cause instead we wrote. they told us to write about our future. i didn't want to. but not out of laziness. not even out of disinterest. i actually gave it a lot of thought before i decided i didn't want a future. and i didn't want to lie about wanting one. so i wrote that down. i didn't think i should have to explain why it was that i didn't want it because i didn't expect too many people would be genuinely drawn to the idea of the future. weren't we all clinging to the past? weren't we all caught up in the moment? but i think i got the idea that that wasn't true because as soon as we were allowed to put our pens to the paper, people's hands were flying across their page.
i didn't do that, of course. i just wrote down exactly what came to my mind and by the time i had finished writing though i didn't mean to let her my friend had leaned over me to read my page.