it takes skill and practice, but the best of us seem to be gifted with it.
as if god decided we were going to be another Beethoven or another Bukowski
too many people never realize this, and continue to play the piano or write their poems and always thinking yes yes this next piece is going to be the one the one that makes me famous
they write and play and cast their eyes downward each time they get rejected by the producers or by the publishers
always saying to themselves ok it’s ok they just don’t know what they hell they’re talking about I’m great I’m still great I just need my break- through I just need my first masterpiece
these amateurs are not to be disregarded or looked down upon though
for without them we would never find the Beethovens and the Bukowskis
it takes a million fools making their cacophonies to the wind for the miracle to happen and the master emerge