Ugly truths are just that. Being one who speaks in truths, constant soul searching of poets, most artists, really is truly alienating.
There is expression which will inevitably have you backed into corner by liars. Institutionalized if your not careful.
Who did mutilate Van Gogh's ear? Who mutilated mine? A cleft on my left. Simply born with it. Or so, I've been told. There is something deeply seeded in this. Even foreshadowing, perhaps. Now that truth backs me further from ugly liars, hell bent on twisting truth. Is it greed or embarrassment that drives lies we tell ourselves or others.
Vincent was lucky to have his paint. It did the driving of his madness, into gobbed masterpieces.
This is a lie.
He never new mastery. Questioning his own self worth constantly. I can only imagine him awkwardly, standing next to his life love's, paints, pretty maidens, and hearing over abundantly,
"No sale."
I love the liars. It is not to my advantage to repel inexactness, invention, untruth. After all, I do write. It somehow comes with the territory. The Dutch in me won't admit to less.
Can you count the number of times, variance of "truth" appears here?