The sun floated in The curtains drawn back It slowly tossed over Revealing scars running crisscrossed Their back a canvas showing their life story It's name is Darkness
It has suffered the most Out of light and into dark. The name carries many To the the people who carve them selves up at night and pretend during day With those that have lost all
This is Darkness Unveiled Darkness that haunts every grave Darkness that haunts every person Some chose to ignore others embrace it The scars on its back Are the scars of the people. People who had horrible things done to them
One person was abused they carry dark bruises that are blue and purple One person has cuts self inflicted Another has scratches and welts from trying to get the thoughts out Then there are the ones who died They gave up and succumbed to the darkness.
All they needed was a helping hand A hand held out and pushed to all the people
Pain Is whispered to all the people in the world. If you can't see them then you are blind You have succumbed to the darkness
The darkness is still there Yet it is slowly going away It is being replaced A hand has appeared and it can drag you away Away from the place that is hell.