my most common pain; the tear in eye; when I get overtaken by emotions; I can't describe; everything seems so far off; the peace of mind so slovenly cast; the ire of self; the music of my soul; overwhelms everything else; the clash of instruments; symbols of my thoughts; the large bonfire of passion; that can't be tamed; the love I feel for my breeze; that can never be fulfilled; the loneliness; with all things; endings create new beginnings; but I feel like; I end everyday; and the line is so blurred; between start and finish; a tidal wave; no footprints left in the sand; no footsteps to follow; just a common cause; and an uncommon burden; no order in the misery of life; no substance; I want to wrap you in the shelter of my soul; it aches for you; a storm brews; and lightning strikes; with no sound of thunder; a whirlwind; the fury of gusts; as dirt and sand and debris; circle us, taunting; demanding to be allowed; to whisk us away; with no restraints; no direction; just the splitting cuts; of micro origins of glass; rain; to wash us clean; the fear is, no matter how long I try; this will never be complete; no matter how strongly I feel; I will never be able to put it to you; fully; so there's the issue my love; I only want you to know; that I have to try; to embrace the chaos.