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Dec 2011
god i just did it! i got so ******* feral i didn’t care
about iyou for a momnent””””””””’

i felt fayrull faerill *f ehrel
feral in the teeth and in the heart

when youre feral you can do anything
and anyone”””””””””””””””

- i want to pull your hair ferally
- i want to slap you in the face ferally
- i wantyou to love it with feral passion when i bite you
   with my fehrel *fayrehl *feral teeth

- what does it feel like to not have a conscunce?
- what does it feel like to **** someone and then
refuse to look them in the eye

- what does it feel to **** someone withot them knowing”””””’

i want to get feral and know i could do all those thing s
but wont because i want to love the wurl d ferally

and everything in it
with my teeht and nails”””””””’
Written by
izzy w
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