Forgive me for my lack of articulation I don’t speak as retardedly prophetic as I used to Or welcome death because no one knows it When the fear of leaving Is hell enough to stay And the finish line is miles away
We will all meet it At exactly the right time
We’ll both come in first I promise
Well mouthed Keeper of my darkness Forgive me if I war trench your back at night I’ve just never really known safety
Surprised at the size a man can be When pressed to someone’s back As the night covers all fronts
I know I got love’s lashings scarring up my liver When I drink myself to sleep at night
This morning I awoke shortly after midnight from a text message That took me an hour to respond to
Forgive me I was thinking in dreams again You were there Watching me steal a pineapple popsicle and a Dr Pepper From a vending machine
We then hopped in an airborne submarine Only it was really a long broomstick between my legs And your legs And the legs of two others I’ve never met before And we weren't ever really airborne
Even the figments of my imagination have to humor me At times
And my ghosts are kind enough to leave before I awake Playing poker over my body as I sleep As I dream As I startle ***** Drunken Poorly Invented Modern Sanskrit Into the thick air
So cold I have to chisel the sweat away
I don’t sleep as soundly as I used to Or speak as well Or think as thoroughly I just know what feels good when I don’t want it to
And I don’t know any other way to tell you To slow down and wait for me Because I am sure that We’ll get where we’re supposed to be going Exactly when we’re supposed to
This poem is two different poems chopped up and mixed together. I was writing them simultaneously, stopped and began to copy and paste like a madman. I am not sure what happened. Well, this happened I guess.