Alone is being surrounded By a crowd all day every day And not feeling a ******* thing Alone is being in a room filled with people People who consider you close People who truely care for you People who you've invested in In their lives , in their emotions People who have laid themselves bare Yet you're so emotionally disfunctional You're unable to connect on any level People who you know so well Yet they know so very little about you People who think you have it together Who dont know you're caught in a whirlwind Of depression and anxiety and above all A lonelyness that you cant seem to shake A parasite ******* out all the empathy u have Until you're just a factory compressed machine Doing what it's been programmed to do You realize how defective you are Not when u feel lonely cause no one is in ur life But when there are so many who do care Who do want to listen to your problems To your anxieties, to your fears People u know you can trust Yet you've become so accostomed to this demon If anyone is your friend, it's that demon Looming over u every night as u lay numb, Heart compressing as if about to give out And just collapse on itself That's loneliness And you cant depart with it Because it's your only friend You're so conditioned that u cant possibley Fathom yourself without it You're trapped And loneliness is all you have
All you know.
Written quickly, raw and unpolished. I just wanted to say (or rather vent about) how i feel.