i pluck a patch of flesh from my torso laid before me microscopic angles never did too much 'cept bore me i ponder at it as i watch it turn to plastic waste and toss it to the side to join its kin, the long disgraced i dive headfirst into the pile thinking out loud all the while what the *******'ve done to me to make me loathe such harmony a call to arms is horrifying as it harms the glorifying capitalizing, profiteering bourgeoisie world engineering i eat my path through all the **** the world has given to me i see my comrades scoff and nosh and drink their minds all dreamy the world is coming down to see itself through all its trash it's still convinced it's beautiful through all the camera flash you will die, but so will i it'll be a work of art like none before, no final score and time will not restart
frankly i'm not even sure what i'm saying at this point