I want a butterfly butter-knife For surprise attack sandwiches
I want a time machine So I can go back to when I was a ****** To my first cigarette And my first lover And my first broken heart
To where my eyes didn’t have the green tint of jade Lightening up this solid brown My favorite color
I want a new harmonica inhale And exhale I want to breathe heavy into your wind instrument CPR your song back to life
I want to slow dance on dying yuletide embers And regift your laughter til I am not funny anymore
Don’t be mad that I recycled the stockings You made me remove so slowly last night
They are stretched out now And filled with crumpled photographs And candy And sticky notes full of bad one-liners
“I thought I loved you until I loved you And now I’m not sure of anything”
Forgive me It was all I could afford
I want More than just blankets to keep me warm at night I want you to keep me warm at night
I want a type-writer big enough to run myself through So I can rewrite the rough drafts my parents never finished
I want to bring the stars back west So I can wish some more
I wish I knew how to be quiet When beauty demanded silence So her feet could echo proper Drawing eyes to follow her sound
I want the trillions of miles my mind has traveled To finally stop somewhere important
Like right here
Near the end of this poem
Where I tell you I want so much And need so little Just the promise of tomorrow I guess Until there are no more tomorrows Then just a fair warning Long enough to make you laugh maybe That’s it