0. my fears come in fours or to be exact there are four of them a nice even number but i cannot overcome these ones and there are certainly more where they have come from but these are the ones that i live by or the ones that live by me either way they are the controlling factors that make up my psyche
1. i am afraid of the dark and no i am not kidding people usually don’t believe me when i tell them this because i surround myself with dark things and i guess i seem like a dark person and the argument that when i close my eyes it will be dark anyway does nothing to comfort this it just makes me feel more ridiculous an eighteen year old with a nightlight
2. storms mother ******* storms even a little bit of rain can send me scurrying to my room to hide under a pile of blankets as if this can protect me from the elements and driving in it is even worse i white-knuckle my way through the miles and the hours feeling the wind and pouring rain hail snow sleet thunder and lightning it sends waves of fear to my bones and i grit my teeth so hard i fear my teeth will crack and splinter like the trees and fences and power lines
3. it is not dying that scares me i am not afraid of death i embrace it i will be the curator of my own destruction but it is dying alone that scares me the most and yes i know that even if i were to die with other people i would still die by myself because my light snuffing out will not be like anyone else’s i know this and that does not scare me what scares me is being alone when i die i don’t want to die by bottle or pill or knife with my only company being my self-destruction the dark passenger will not escort me to the other side but i wouldn’t mind dying holding your hand
4. i am afraid of my mother but this is not something that i can just come out and say forthright it has to be treated casually just slipped into conversation taking the words from what is your favorite kind of cake to and i am afraid of my mother but anyway what is your favorite flavor of frosting and the key is to say this quickly let the sentence blur together let the thickness of the tongue slur the vowels into one long string no spaces are needed with this confession because no matter how this is said this little confession an admittance of what is wrong of what haunts my sleep and my day time and all my time people will still look at me like i am this little broken thing but no i am not broken i will not let her break me but this fear it will not go away and i am ashamed of it