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Mar 2016
I've blinded myself. Into believing. Believing in the unattainable. Believing that I could get the unattainable. I saw someone I want to be with. I saw the person as perfect. I didn't see beyond the person I saw. I didn't try to look under where the person resides. And I was so completely into her person I saw that I didn't even try to look beyond. The signs and sight were there in front of me and I didn't "see" because I thought I could make a small difference. But now my thoughts are being torn into two. I see and feel it as one way. Then the other side of seeing and feeling is completely opposite of what I originally thought of. And as I think of it, the separating in my mind is getting stronger. The doubt about it (everything) is flooding my mind. And I don't think I could go back to the original way I thought of. I don't know what I'm thinking of, I don't know what to think about it, I don't know how to feel about it, I don't know what to do about it either.

Can I be blind still or will I get my sight back?
Will I be one again or always be in two?
Richard Javier Martinez
Written by
Richard Javier Martinez  35/M/Boise, Idaho
(35/M/Boise, Idaho)   
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