New memories develop At such a rapid pace That I can't seem To differentiate The time they were given And the time I fully received them.
Maybe time is relative... All I know is That it's relevant When it passes by too quickly That you forget to stop and smell the flowers Which died long ago But you can't seem to throw out
Because when you do, You throw away another Memory Like the ones you promised Long ago That you never would.
I did this for you And not the universal YOU
...But him.
I thought that Things would get better If I followed his advice And replaced the old With new.
Yet now that it's over I feel like I am missing The most important parts Of me.
I want to blame him But that is ignorant. I'm the one who chose Submission Over stance
All for a lover Who I could not fulfill And who knows That it goes both ways.
This time I don't want him back But I wish, More than anything, That I could have myself back Because I gave too many pieces Of my self In order to please someone That I knew I ever could.