i'm checkmate the bomb i always make things a gas girl i'm ubiquitous and unavoidable i'm a social engineer, making things happen for good time girls i'm the promo man i advertise curvaceous wares and multiply the client base i'm hoping to go exponential soon I'm a moneyfinder par excellence i can sniff it from miles away and i know how to make a fool and his money go separate ways as for the miserly ones, we prise it away so adeptly they can't help applauding us the rich and affluent ones looking for an experience - we cater for them as well they're easy to spot from miles away that bored vacuous look is hard to miss i'm a connoisseur of bohemian girls: the ones who play sweet and innocent to perection their jumping eyes can send even you into a rhapsodic spin! the leggy ones with shape and hips delectable girls with unbelievable curves the slim portable women that some want to take away mmmm... and the buxom ones with bountiful chests of sweetness i can supply extras too! just name it and i'm your man i'm the paymaster and the insurance man to book i'm security too, my boys don't brook any nonsense - be warned! and hey man, do i have style! tailor-made suits, gold-capped teeth, handmade shoes and handwoven ties to complete the rout my principles are strict and regular; no sampling of the stock although... if it's sylvie i sometimes make an exception sylvie knows how to rock and how to roll she's what every man hopes to find during his prime* now don't you dare go all weepy and disapproving on me mate, it's not personal - just business!