by that time it was the second worst time of my life by now it was the third
unless you’re a mathematician infinity is a dream but this set-up is not-all keep your trans-finites, we'll keep our dreams
if Nietzsche teaches us anything it’s that we had to invent laughter if only to live with our tears but he teaches us many other things, useless and wonderful things like dancing
and Seneca asked why cry over parts of life while the whole of it calls for tears and well perhaps because its parts come too few or too many at a time
all we lack are general and special theories of error
decisions against decisions
it’s true you have to repeat the same to reach something new but it only happens through that final repetition that infinite fold where you’re told
you’re untold
your wisdom will get old before you do
your unrest will outlive you and i know it’s no comfort but resistance is never futile just look at the ant slaves stolen at birth with no future who revolt against the empire of their oppressors to spare their former homes where their same blood struggles on again nameless and drop the drugs if they impede your work and stop you from being the animal at your limit if they cut off your body from what it can do there’s even less than no future for you
‘my dear sea up in arms at the wrong shore’ i was a beached whale but yes Don Paterson can **** the time like no other before it kills me
and as for the tests to come, sum(s) will have cheated you all out of two or three centuries at best