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Mar 2016
Why does it hurt so much when you're forgotten completely by someone who used to greet you so cheerfully.
Who showed up in a dream and is someone you, since long ago, haven't seen.
One of the few people you hoped would not so easily let the memory of you slip away.
Everybody falls in love, one way or another.
Friendship, romance, nostalgia, feelings long since past,
glimpses of a memory.
Even in this big wide world full of people, we each are stuck alone in our own realities.
No matter what we may try to change that.
Had someone I guess I used to be good friends with show up in my dream, and messaged them on Facebook. Turns out they have no idea who I am, even though we frequently hung out and spoke with each other.
Sara Ackermann
Written by
Sara Ackermann  23/F/New Richmond, Wisconsin
(23/F/New Richmond, Wisconsin)   
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