With every breath i take becoming one less to make my days at eighty would be, ( not that I'm counting ) , twenty nine thousand two hundred and from the cry of birth, " minutes start passing "
As life on Earth spins and orbits around a dying Sun with that tag-a-long moon dragging the ocean, ( once again ) another foot, up some beach my wrist watch beeps!, " another hour passing "
While ancient mountains fell tall trees, ( silently? ) around saplings bathing in new light & those birds, smashed eggs feed the Earth new life my alarm clock screams! " another day passing "
Like the twenty trillion others before me, breathing in the air of loved ones ashes mixed, ( like a cocktail ) with the cigar smoke of new arrivals my birthday sings! " another year passing "
My life orbits, ( like a vulture ) that dying Sun as the Earth re-invents its self with each passing, providing a beginning and while graves wait to fatten worms my death toll rings! " another life passing "