Tick tick tick Another sleepless night Leaving me awake with thoughts Eating away at me Daunting me with my mistakes And **** ups
Eating away at my flesh As the time slowly Painfully slips by Daring me to go deep
My mind's slipping as each minute goes by Getting closer and closer To the edge The edge of sanity
By the end of another wasted night My ****** hands Cling to the edge A bottomless pit looming below The chuckles and laughter of the demons that haunt my mind echo around Bouncing of the hard rocky walls
Clinging to the small hope left, they claw and scratch at the hard ground above Hoping Praying To feel the warmness of anothers hand Slip into the dried blooded, cold hands clinging to the edge of a free mind
No one
But the demons below mocking me For being so foolish So stupid To believe someone would care Someone would help
Hope crumbles away Into the darkness Into the nothing And so do I