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Mar 2016
The difference between wanting someone and needing someone is that once you've met that one person, and you have similar interests.. Thats the starting point of wanting to know more about a person, growing fond of them and learning more about the depth of their souls. Wanting someone is kind of like when you lay your feet by the see and you walk some steps deeper to feel the other side of the deeper see and how the sand feels different. Its a matter of wanting but knowing your distance and limits and control. Needing is something else, needing is when you wake up everyday having to know whether that person is breathing the same second you are right now. Needing is when you know a persons darkness and ray of light and you need that in your life.. For your mornings and nights. So basically needing is when you know you cant leave a person behind because their peaces fit perfectly into yours, their atoms were made to fit yours and you kinda cant change that in a persons making.
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