Riff Raff: And also ANGEROUS of you. You see, when I said that 'we' were to return to Ninetbeen, I referred only to Magenta and myself.
I'm sorry, however, if you found The Word misleading, but you see, you are to remain here, in Thought, anyway.
Dr. Everett Scott: Great heavens! That's a Colt .42!
Riff Raff: Yes, Dr. Scott. A Colt .42 capable of relaying a Time Spiral of Pure Confusions.
Johnny Five: You mean, you're going to confturosel me? What's my crime?
Dr. Everett Scott: You saw what became of the TEMPORAL EDDY. Brads and Janets must be prefected.
Riff Raff: Exactly, Dr. Scott. And now, Johnny Five, your mono-ch[R]oine has come. Say good-bye to all of this... and hello to PROL-TARI-DOM!
. . . ]
Stephanie Speck: But you can't be con-a-fused. You're an alive.
The Letter-Ing: a chronospire of pure confrustration thirty-third or last in a series of poems made of quotes one part to a whole joke its sum has yet to be totaled may be more than its parts subject to change