I like to pretend that my feelings for him Aren’t really there That;s hard to do though When I feel this ache in my chest All because I still care
It’s hard to pretend I don’t care When I’m in love with you I’ll say I’m not Only deep down I do Deep down I always knew
He was supposed to be mine Even though I don’t feel it I’ll tell everyone I’m fine
The tears that fill my eyes The ones I won’t let fall They speak my truths Everyone sees their hidden depth That’s why my eyes They have the power to enthrall
Not him though He won’t allow himself to fall I can see it though He wants to He wants me to let go of all my truths Of everything I hide Everything he wish he knew
Only I can’t do that So I’ll keep on pretending Hoping no one else falls for the trap That are my eyes Waiting for the one who won’t allow himself to fall Waiting for him to give in to the thrall