Monday's approaching Fate may be decided My heart's breaking For him
I still can't believe this is happening He doesn't deserve it Yet, he's so strong How is he that strong?
I'm scared for him I don't want anything to happen to him Please don't hurt him He wasn't thinking
He wasn't thinking those few months We all lose it sometimes Yeah, what he did was unacceptable But so was what she did
You can't accuse someone of something like that Because **** is not something to kid about And I hate her for saying he did that Surely there was something else you could have said
And then you say he wouldn't take you back Wait. Why would you wanna go back to him? Guess you made it up And you just wanted to rue the day
That ****** me off So **** much Get so angry when I think about it I wish I could save him
I hate him sometimes for what he did to his family Cuz how could you do that? But she has his family thinking he did more damage than he did And that burns a hole more than you think