Pain and suffering, Of them both I am well aware. It is the the bread and butter of this life, Formed in misery, surrounded by strife.
I drank the cup, in hopes of redemption But found none there. Instead now I live in the life of atonement For the burdens I am to bear.
Blood flows as time flies I carry my sins heavily, for all the pain All the lies. When I was younger I wished to understand, I now am older, And wearily travel through the land.
What have I done, I shout in the wind, Why am I not forgiven For all of my sins?
Perhaps I shall, Take on too, The burdens of yours,yours and mine too.
That cup from where I had my first sip, I shall keep it with me now, That none other may feel the stingless whip.
This is my burden, my price to pay. Leave and leave me be, continue friend, And be on your way.