the flier in me is not a fly in the ointment the flier in me daily basks in ambient glory the flier in me is a hopeful at your door waiting to be puzzled by you, the enigma and betimes be indulged with some attention the flier in me glitters and sparkles truly because you're the source of my highness i rise into the sky and soar into the universe propelled by the image of your birthday suit that reminds me that that's the natural thing to be; naked and noble like a new creation so there i go again flapping flimsy wings that nobody sees; feeling like old-time magic i want to thank you prompt of my quests i want to thank you agitator of my longing i want to thank you lovely seer and siren i thank you for these blossoms open in me i thank you for teaching me to fly like a bird straight into the shelter of your cuddly nest where i shall be anchored in calm waters and soon rinsed in a cascading shower of bliss my sweet seer and siren, i promise you this: i shall be true though my wings should melt as did the wings of hapless ikaros the greek
I have done quite a bit of re-working of this poem and reposted it. It has now taken a shape I'm happier with.