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Dec 2011
Roads seem narrow, but so are the cars,
Sitting on the wrong side, feeling like the whole world is coming toward me
Feeling at a total loss for helping, or seeing,
The best thing is to watch, and look, and see.
The day is crisp and feeling a little green, and different greens show
And over a hundred greens are there, on the side of that hill,
Above the green waters of the lake, each one soft, and bright,
Covered up moments ago by the mornings fog, as the boats
Lay within their moorings, each a white color, with a bit of the green,
And the trees seem delighted as the sun makes its way out,
The water lapping at the shore, kissing it in little motions
Seeing the bottom, with its growth of green,  looking back.
Ralph E Peck
Written by
Ralph E Peck  60/M
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