A job with enough to pay the bills. A suit and tie, so prim and proper. We even have a water cooler to chat and gossip around. Money is good, the company is great And the job? The job is easy.
So why do i still feel so ******* lost? I always thought adults knew better but really, We're just blind leaders directing the ones who follow Into places we wish we'd sent ourselves. We reflect so much past onto the young, "back in my day"Β Β and "when I was younger" Are phrases that will never rest. They'll start naming history books After mediocre idols. Gary the pessimistic from IT, He has had more life experience than you, Held up in his mothers basement for the past 36 years, He's never been abroad, He never got a hobby, Always played by the rules. But he definitely has more life experience than you. You who have traveled the world, you've seen the wonders You've experienced the cultures. You've woken up to beautiful sunsets and passed out in disgusting downtown gutters.
But you must respect your elders, Age defines experience in this day and the former, Try telling them otherwise
This was appalling, i just needed to write something to get the expired ball rolling.