I pray to God to close my eyes Just grant my wish this one time Because I see too much, my heart knows too much My heart knows the difference between ashes and dust The difference between want and lust Between wishful thinking and love Now the lines are drawn, broken right down the middle of trust "GOD!" I scream, "please send down you hand from above" "PLEASE CLOSE MY EYES BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS TOO MUCH" I don't want to bear witness, when our dreams turn to prisons I don't want to have to make the obvious decisions Because I'm afraid they will break me, they will take me Away, back to a place from which I have so recently returned Who knew that a broken heart could burn Right through the cavity of the chest Through the lining of the soul, until there was nothing left And yet I am still supposed to go on Only this time I am supposed to go on without you I don't know if that is something I can do