shield yourself from winds of shattered glass sparkling and dancing ‘cross the desert in a twist of fate veiled she emerges tall with tools in hand strikes earth with God-like blasts and swiftly sets the dust by her command
cracked orange and beige line horizons ahead three-hundred sixty degrees of dry, dry land sweat drips from forehead to feet beneath but the hot ground drinks your juice before it can be seen like the jerky flesh of a jack-rabbit turned from corpse to some dry, dry bones
follow along the waving, molten paths seductive tones will take you by the hand and lead if you beware of the mirage ubiquitous; devious, ambiguous so shut your eyes, open your mind "there will be no man left behind."
in her tracks she halts, and smiles she rests in place still as cacti a singular explosion starts to shatter the terrain she dives into the chasm and begins to dig and dig and dig; she builds a home always enclosed to dwell, to dig warm within the valley of wisdom.