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Feb 2016
You heard the news,
Found dead on the bathroom floor.

You thought she was happy,
But she was just barely holding on.

You thought you were her friend,
Why didn’t she say anything?

You wish she would’ve told you,
You wish you could’ve helped.

You wonder how long she had suffered,
How long had she masked her pain from everyone?

You blame yourself,
Should’ve been a better friend.

Were the signs there all along?
Why didn’t you hear her cries for help?

But how could you know?
She didn’t want you to see her like that.

It wasn’t your fault you didn’t know,
She didn’t want you to.

She didn’t want to seem weak,
She didn’t want you to look at her differently.

So instead she kept it all in,
Until she finally decided she was done.

Done with life,
Done with pretending.
Hannah Martin
Written by
Hannah Martin
   Cecil Miller
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