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Feb 2016
it doesn't mean anything
the moment you try to put
the first word down
it loses its meaning to
a box you belong
the word is wordless even when
you sing, look at those
wordless travellers crossing
over same corner same time each day
the web they are weaving with steps called world, a divided word if you'veΒ Β noticed

game of words you work on
poems jump out of it and gone
coincidence sounds a wise one throws queries in a bin which contains stuff called food and fruits a while ago when they were still trying to grow as they were under the sun

poets look like relatives of poems
but thieves of the wordless pieces
those critics stuffed their mouths with poetic swears are their truly
enemyful friends with whom they split bills of love and hack fairly

Dec 4, 2015
Henri Words
Written by
Henri Words  Sydney, Australia
(Sydney, Australia)   
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