You’re overflowing – Like an ashtray But no You’re not a nicotine yellow stain You’re not ash grey You don’t smell like a stale insomniac’s late night in an empty room
You’re a burst fire hydrant Children shriek and frolic in your shower And somewhere out there plants, grass and weeds will turn green and tall Because you have nourished them But you’re still ******* off that firefighter.
But maybe you’re the fire? Too hot to touch But we all look on We all glow with you You eat the world but In leaving it fallow give a chance to something new.
But you’re not new You carry eons on your shoulders and Wisdoms between your teeth You are like the grains of sand between my toes: You were once completely different
But I like you in all your ways I’ll inhale your smoke I’ll dance in your rain I’ll let you burn me up I’ll let you turn me into something new I would grow old with you.