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Feb 2016
Loud booming 90's jams while sleepless people spend their clams
Bright lights full color, two random guys looking for their brother
How high is the limit? One hundred won't even last a minute
The ATM a blaze, I don't understand the craze
Kendrick busting out, he's the best rapper lately without a doubt
Cars come and go like the tickets of my pockets, hoping for no flat tires so there's no need for a socket
Gold and brown surrounding my eyes, 7:30 draws closer, oh how the time flies

Work, work, work, is that really what this is?
I guess this is the life though, the story of the biz
Those who lay waste to their capital are the ones who feel house rules are not applicable
Third time here stepping through the door and I feel much more loved than anytime before
A couple for a coat, another for their tote
Time ticks so slow tonight, is there such thing as a coffee flight?

Two girls walk by siping their drinks as they gripe, I wouldn't even talk to them, they're not the type
Ring rung goes the phone, this breaks the silence of being alone
The clock ticks near, the morning sky is far from clear
Until we meet again I'm going to dream, the feeling of bed just makes me gleam
Ian J Caldwell
Written by
Ian J Caldwell  Northern Kentucky
(Northern Kentucky)   
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