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Feb 2016
Point A to B
Sometimes these trips weigh on me
Will I become too tired one day to make it home?
Will I decide that enough is enough and seise to roam?
Back and forth, it's raining today
Back and forth, I need new wiper blades
Flying too fast this time, this drive will be a record time
This time, life is just weighing on me
This time, I want to go past the normal point A to B
This time, I want to find a C

I want C to be the sea
I want to see the waves that crash
I want to smell the salt in the air, feel the silk softness of the water as it splashes without a care
I want the sand to cling to me like static
I want that trip to be just so sporadic

A to B to C

The water in the rain gives me a chance to regain the thought of this freedom
Oh how it would be to feel so free with a journey's end at sea
These trips sure do weigh on me
I'll stick to the A to B
....for now
Ian J Caldwell
Written by
Ian J Caldwell  Northern Kentucky
(Northern Kentucky)   
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