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Feb 2016
I love everything she says, I hang to every word that slips out of her pale pink lips.
How I long to kiss every bit of them to taste the knowledge within, do I also dare try to steal the past pain away?
Wow, I hang on every word.
I want, no need something that cannot be heard but that will never be.
How can that be when whatever will be will be?
She doesn't even see me.
I'm invisible, a gleaming.
I must be crazy, I must be, you have to trust me.
I can ramble for days while sifting through this mess of me.
I don't understand, I don't get it, why is there this fire within me and who lit it?
She's just perfect in every way, what more is there to say?
I could go on and on but I'm not sure how to finish, which spot to end it on.
God do I long, I long still!
This has nothing to do with a one night thrill, she's not the one for that and my mind has turned away from that for forever and for always.
I'm finally back to the thoughtful, foresightful mind that used to roam through these crowded hallways.
My heart needs to be calmed once and for all, it's been years and here I am stuck in this perpetual fall.
My heart screams.
My heart pleads.
Who knows if this is really what it needs.
Would one last fight be worth it?
Would it destroy every bit of what's here and unearth it?
I don't have the answer, that's why I'm here.
I put this down so that my mind stays clear, I feel like I do this at least once a year.
That longing stays burning and keeps drawing me near.
For one thing is for certain, the feeling is still here.
It keeps my heart going and let's me know I'm still here.
Ian J Caldwell
Written by
Ian J Caldwell  Northern Kentucky
(Northern Kentucky)   
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