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Shane Bowles PhotoArtist
Feb 2016
One Fun Night
Books in Barnes;
A Noble night.
One of laughter,
Not of fright.
We walked and read
With coffee, hot.
As I watched your head
Bow to words so smart.
We waited an hour;
Then a bit more.
For you to see
My one fine *****.
I'm joking of course.
She's really quite grand.
As you are to stars
And I to any man.
And that little bundle
Of energy and words
That never stops,
As if were birds.
Oh, the *** food with salad
Dead fish without tan.
Talking about the stars
As if ocean sand.
So immensely vast
Just as our souls
You read your lyrics
As we shared our Bowles.
You told of life
And the struggles thrown
At each of us
And how it's known
To rock us roughly
Then settles to peace
As we know more each day
And walk with more ease.
To find another
As we found they
Across a parking lot
Waving "hey".
But not your first meeting.
I'm not talking about Jim and Nick's;
But beyond what we see
In stones, leaves, and sticks.
We are out of this world
And in the center of it.
Lives crossing through others
Bit by bit.
So you know them well
You just missed their smiles
And the giggles unlimited
While we spun our tires.
We've danced before,
But not like this.
We've hugged like bears
With ethereal kiss.
Across the miles
Through water and fire;
Through earth and wind
By slave and friar.
By king and jest,
Princess and queen.
Through beast and fowl
We each have seen
Each other before
In glancing ways
And finally spent one of my dreams
At night, after one fine day.
And I'm thankful to all
That we met up that night.
That we shared our shared being
Through touch, sound, sniffing and sight.
And to the cosmos
I'll say this quite loud
I love you three the mostest post toastest. Ha!
For Carly, Leneda, and Little Big Ansley
Written by
Shane Bowles PhotoArtist
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