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Feb 2016
You asked me for a secret. I couldn't think of one at the moment. A week past. Kept thinking about you. Kept thinking about you. Then I suddenly had the secret, you wanted to know, come into my mind. I wrote it down. The secret you want to know. I don't know if I should read it to you or let you read it yourself. I don't know what to do. Should I even mention it to you or should I not tell you at all. I have to see what I'm going to do when I see you again. If you or I even mention the word, "Secret"; I am going to tell you my secret.
Richard Javier Martinez
Written by
Richard Javier Martinez  35/M/Boise, Idaho
(35/M/Boise, Idaho)   
       Kaela Warner, ---, jasmine fernandez, WNG, z and 4 others
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