I am disappointed. I let you go That you may Find yourself, The sparkle in your eyes That bore through me May burn bright. The firm round beasts Taut with desire for a touch, That heaved at every breath, Every turn of my words And glance ...and I Withdrew from them, And your quivering lips. Dying each day a thousand death, Pining eternally till yesterday, Like the lover in the Grecian urn To liberate you and liberate me From the there after, routine and Mundane. To preserve the spark, Blow into it, create a new word Every moment, not be a wife Or just a husband! But creators, Challengers to Jove's throne. The fire once again stolen. Ahh..But pasted on fb what do I see! Sagging *******, dim eyes, Dead, limp locks, stable pasted smile, Dotting over a fat boy and a *****, palsy pet. Pretending to be happy with them And a glorified clerical job. I am liberated from pain, But this freedom gives no joy, Ah Mephistopheles! I scream not in agony Having lost my soul to Helen But in the absence of pain. Helena has become a fat Dull mommy cooking Noodles for fatso And *****, petty Paris.