Everything inside me aches Every muscle fighting the strain it’s facing The sweat that escapes my pores does not cool me My vision is blurred and I can’t think straight I sit here in the darkness Alone with my thoughts that run wild In every direction but the one they need to be on
My heart is madly pumping blood to the rest of my body Trying to sustain every limb and muscle My thoughts go to one of pain Not the pain I feel now but a dull aching pain from my past I’ve tried to bury it from my mind, burn it out of memory But it still remains, adding to the fire already blazing in me
I feel my body give in In a swift motion I’m crumpled on the floor The cool earth soothes only a minute percent of the pain And in an instant the slight relief is gone Consumed in the fire of my own pain and grief I cry out, trying to form words But only groans and screams escape my lips
I’m trying to fight the fresh wound in my heart Stitch it back up before it has time to bleed into the rest of my body I don’t want to remember My pain is too much to handle now Only if I could put everything back where it needs to be I feel the blood seeping into my veins
Sorrow starts to overtake the heat But as the sorrow spreads the pain increases Tears wet my cheeks as memories fill my mind Sadness, loss, hurt, abandonment, grief Each picture races across my vision I lay my head in my hands and surrender I surrender everything
It’s just too much to bare, too much to control I don’t want it, any of it The pain inside slowly started to drift away The weight I carried for so long lightened off my shoulders The aching heart that has too many wounds is healed All this time I was holding on to what was dragging me down
I’m not giving up on it all, on life I’m just handing it over to Him who can carry it for me Him who can handle what I can’t I lift my head out of my hands I feel fresh tears slide down my cheeks Tears of relief and exhaustion
There is no longer darkness that surrounds me There is light and love I lay my head down again and rest