Last night I dreamed In great green valleys. You and I laughed and dashed across a trickling stream of cool diamond water lapping over smooth polished stones.
on the other side we dried our bare feet on the soft warm grass, carpeted and mossy.
laughing we raced up the sloping loams of the earth’s fresh surface, Emerald green in the setting sun.
Atop the ridged crest we gazed into the horizon, eye-level with the clouds that had pinked over like soft, tender flesh.
I felt your smile, your presence, breathing somewhere inside of me.
crying out like children we flew down the grassy *****, crossed again the eternal stream and ended somehow inside some cozy cottage, warm and safe.
and suddenly we were alone and I kissed you and that’s when I woke up and outside the dawn was just graying to reveal a thick fog, settling over the land.